The "Spain 2024 2 euro" coin commemorates the bicentennial anniversary of the National Police. The obverse of the coin features the image of the National Police logo or emblem, along with the inscription "200 years of the National Police," marking this significant milestone. This coin pays tribute to two centuries of service and dedication by the Spanish...
The "Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville" coin is one of many commemorative euro coins issued to celebrate exceptional cultural and historical sites in Europe. This particular coin is dedicated to three significant landmarks in Seville, Spain: the Cathedral, Alcázar, and Archivo de Indias. The obverse of the coin features a detailed...
The coin is dedicated to the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, which runs from 1 July to 31 December 2023. The motif presents is the logo of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU. Surrounding the logo are the captions "ESPANA 2023 – PRESIDENCIA ESPANOLA" (eng. Spain 2023 - Spanish Presidency) and "CONSEJO DE LA UNION EUROPEA" (eng....
We are pleased to present this 2022 commemorative 2 euro coin dedicated to the 35th anniversary of Erasmus programme. The design of the coin depicts the philosopher Erasmus of Rotterdam while he is writing. In the background, numerous lines connect at various points symbolizing the many intellectual and human exchanges between European students. The numer...
This newest release of Banco de Espana commemorates the unique Mudéjar Architecture of Aragon. The region, located in the north-eastern of Spain with the capital city of Zaragoza, is famous for its aesthetic trend called Mudéjar. This style developed in medieval times, in the twelfth century, as a result of Islamic, Gothic and Roman influences. Its main...